Have you ever thought about studying in an unusual, more interesting and fun atmosphere – a radical change of scenery – to leave the walls of the school and have classes on the street! Some schools even have their own parks and gardens!
Such activities stimulate the work of the brain, it is much easier to think, imagine and decide. Moreover, this is a long stay in the fresh air. Air is necessary for us, as water, good mood and pleasant company are necessary for productive activity. But how to protect yourself from the hot sun or drizzling rain? The best solution is Shade ‘N Net.

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Awning on a school place
Awning is the most popular and affordable way to protect students and their belongings from the scorching rays of the sun, precipitation in the form of rain and hail.
In the recent past, when the fashion for canopies appeared, many people put stationary structures made of stone, wood and metal on the streets. After some time, the covered structure lost its appearance, and the owner had to make additional investments for reconstruction. And relatively recently, the society has a demand for mobile canopies that can be taken on a holiday or a school trip.
A wide variety of awnings is presented in the shops like shade-n-net.com, ranging from the simplest piece of dense fabric stretched over tree branches to a collapsible design with completely closed walls.

Photo by Pawel Czerwinski on Unsplash
The best alternative to stationary gazebos on the street. The design is a rectangle with an inclination to one side. The angle of inclination can be small or significant – this parameter depends on the wishes of the owner of the canopy. The awning canopy “marquise” can be placed as a free-standing gazebo, or can be attached the roofing base to the facade of the building.
Photo by Helena Lopes on Unsplash